Library Services

Reference Section

Reference section of our Central Library has vast collection of

Reference Books
Continuing Education Programme of AICTE
National & International Conference Proceedings and Reports
Code Books of Civil Engineering from BIS
TEDDY (Teri Energy Data Directory & Year Book) & Hand Books
Students Guide by SUN Educational Services

Value Added Services

Reprographic Services

The students and the staff can make use of the photocopying facility available in the college campus on concessional rate.

Book Bank Facility

A Separate book Bank facility is maintained for SC/ST students of our college and 06 books are issued for a period of one semester. Students are to enroll with the library for availing the facility of this book bank.


An Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility is available in the Library for searching of Library resources with various approaches.

User Education Programme

Library Orientation classes are conducted for the new entrants of our college. It has been divided into three classes.


        This module is designed to give brief information of our library, its development, collection and its importance in the academic qualifications, the services and facilities offered to its users. It will also highlight on the various policies, rules and regulations and manners in using the library and its resources.


        This module will teach the students on how to search for library resources through library Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) by various approaches of search. It will also teach on the reserving of the book in demand. Non-book materials searching techniques will be taught in this module.


        This module will teach the students on how to search for the articles in the E-Journals subscribed by our College. It will also teach the students for various searching technique by different approaches. This will facilitate the students to update their knowledge with the ongoing development in the technology.